Last night, I dreamt I was Louis C.K. wrestling on a theater stage in front of a crowd that wasn’t buying it. Long story short, I was booed off the scene and taken to safety in a helicopter.

I have no idea if American Wrestlers, the new project of an anonymous Scotsman turned Missourian, is actually any good at wrestling. But thanks to his debut single, the blown-out “I Can Do No Wrong,” I know he’s an expert at crafting warm pop rock that’s best served up in the winter’s cold. And if American Wrestlers is using “I Can Do No Wrong” as his current mantra, well, he’s not wrong.

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Andrew Brandt is the albums editor for Jonk Music and a former senior writer. He has also contributed to Pretty Much Amazing, Turntable Kitchen and Isthmus. Andrew eats Roma® Original Pizzas like they’re giant cookies.