
“Especially Me”

A song like "Especially Me" might move at a stately waltz, with all of its harmonies in place, but it blisters with a seething heat. It feels like a kiss-off at its most agonizing, played back frame-by-frame. ...
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WEEKEND VIDEO / A FAVORITE FROM FIVE YEARS AGO   "Monkey"The Great Destoyer01/25/2005iTunes January 25, 2005:Much, perhaps too much, has been written about The Great Destroyer being Low's "aggres...
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"Breaker"from the album Drums and Guns2007iTunesMP3 - "Breaker" Even for a band that built its reputation on the quality of its brooding, Low seems particularly worried and preoccupied on Drums and Guns. As the...
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"Monkey"from the album The Great Destroyer2005Download a free MP3 of "Monkey" from Insound.com Watch the video for "Low" for free at the Star Tribune website.Low's all time highby Chris Riemenschneider, Star Tr...