Reminiscent of music made in garage bands throughout the ’90s, “Break My Heart” by La Sera — the new project from Katy Goodman (Vivian Girls, All Saints Day) — comes off as a break-up song that, while not exactly heartfelt, is something pretty darn close. Direct, aggressive, and succinct, the song comes off almost as a soundtrack to the combination of frenzied angst and phased indifference that are an unshakable part of adolescent romance.

This is supported by the almost “whatever” feel of the majority of the vocals — which cover a range of roughly three notes, with the exception of the crooning chorus of “I’ve done wrong / I’ve done wrong / Break my heart / Break my heart…” These lines slide along, flowing nicely over the alternating power chords that drive throughout the song. Within them, Goodman’s bassist roots are easily heard. In “Break My Heart,” Goodman deserves praise for effectively marrying a punk rock feel with power pop, producing a track that is just as enjoyable to listen to as it is inviting to jump around to. 

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Rebecca Edwards is a displaced Southerner trying to navigate the icy tundra of Midwestern winters. So far she has successfully made it out alive. When not watching Law and Order or eating cereal, Rebecca spends the majority of her time writing and finishing up her gender studies major at the University of Chicago.