Another day, another mysterious artist who drops an insatiable single.

It seems to be increasingly popular for unknown artists to unexpectedly ring your doorbell and leave a track or two at your doorstep without so much as a word about who the hell they are. As infuriating as this can be, I can’t stop answering the door as it’s given me too many of my favorite singles.

Vaults’ “Cry No More” doesn’t so much tell a story as it makes you feel a story, and a riveting story at that. From defeat to reflection, and from reflection to courage. In an evolving spectacle of strings, synth, and striking female vocals, the London troupe neatly ties together an auditory success story.

As the synth drops marking the rapid ascent to the song’s peak, the question is posed, “Will I be your warrior?”

Yes. Please yes. 

About The Author

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Drew Curtis is an ardent over-thinker and a philosophical debate enthusiast. When he's not floating on a kind and benevolent sea of music, he enjoys throwing and catching discs, consuming Thai food, and drudging through the crushing din of politics.