Tennis is a pick-me-up band. The innovative and upbeat bass lines are good enough to characterize their songs as awesome, the bird-like voice of Alaina Moore is just a plus. “100 Lovers,” from the husband-and-wife duo’s 2013 EP Small Sound, will remind you of the Beach Boys with its periodic faded vocals and twinkling melody. Yet despite these occasional nostalgic ventures, the song mostly vacillates between being a perky didactic on love and a head-bobbing, traditional pop song. The lyrics are slightly flat — seeming to refer to the slightly banal and clumsy experience of high school crushes — yet it doesn’t take away from the charm of the song. The repeating intro of the song is the resonant factor: it’s what keeps the listener on their toes and ready to hear more. It may not represent growth or maturation of sound, but it’s definitely a fun song. 

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Lexy Brodt is a student at UW-Madison currently majoring in economics, potentially double majoring in journalism. She spends most of her time watching episodes of Broad City over root beer floats and reading in bed.