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Antony and the Johnsons

A FAVORITE FROM FIVE YEARS AGO"Hope There's Someone"from the album I Am a Bird NowOriginal release date: February 1, 2005iTunesFebruary 2005:Antony and the Johnsons' second full-length recording, the haunting a...
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Antony and the Johnsons

"Epilepsy is Dancing"from the album The Crying Light2009iTunesAntony Hegarty is one of the most unusual and compelling singers in popular music, though "popular" is something of a misnomer — his namesake band, ...
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Antony and the Johnsons

"Another World"from the EP Another World2008iTunesAntony's teaser EP — before the release of The Crying Light next year — begins with an end. Like a poem on his deathbed, the warbling wonder sings beautifully o...
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Antony and the Johnsons

"Hope There's Someone"from the album I am a Bird Now2005 Download the MP3 of "Hope There's Someone" from the Secretly Canadian record label website (Right-click/save-as...) There is a myth that great artists op...