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The Futureheads

"Skip to the End"from the album News and Tributes2006iTunes Download an MP3 of "Skip to the End" from A couple of years ago, the Futureheads came in on a wave of post-punk-influenced bands that crea...
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The Futureheads

"Area"from the EP Area2005 Reason #1,046 to love the Futureheads: Not only do they have the bullocks to quote "Cotton Eye Joe," they get away with doing it in this song's closing frame. Among late-'05 exclusive...
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The Futureheads

"Decent Days and Nights"from the album The Futureheads2004 The Futureheads is a four-member rock band from Sunderland, England. They amaze with their vocal prowess, blending their four voices over around and be...