“re: Stacks”
from the album For Emma, Forever Ago

Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours, and Happy Birthday to Jonk Music — debuting to absolutely no fanfare six years ago on this date (with a post about the Secret Machines, days after seeing them at the now-defunct Club 770) and happily still growing stronger every year, thanks to visitors like you.

Highlights of the first six years include being one of the very first slivers of the web to hype both Bon Iver — although many friends in Eau Claire knew Justin Vernon well before me — and Local Natives (they later became the first band to crash at my tiny little apartment, following a Madison show in 2009. Little known facts learned that night: they love shelled peanuts and Seinfeld on DVD). But most importantly….

The most rewarding part of six years and onward is all the new friends I’ve met because of this who have the same collective desire to love and support great music. That’s all I need to keep going. See you tomorrow.

About The Author

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Founded in Madison, WI in 2005, Jonk Music is a daily source for new music.

4 Responses

  1. mixtapesheartbreaks

    Congrats, friend! I wonder how many times we were in the same place before meeting. Secret Machines was one of them. Next time I see you, I'll have to tell you about my adventure with them and their manager before the show.

  2. Maisie

    You are amazing and have introduced me to some of my favourite bands. Just saw Local Natives for the first time last weekend (in Perth, West Australia) and they were so good. You're a legend!